ESC Board
The ESC Board, a circuit board designed for ROV/AUV and other controlled robots, can support up to 4 ESCs (Electronic Speed Controller) and provide voltage and current values accessed via the software operated by on-board INA219A.
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ESC Board is circuit board designed for ROV/AUV and other Controlled Robotic. It fixs upto 4 ESC and could provide Voltage and Current accessed by software by on-board INA219A
Features List
- Dimension: 85.0mm (L) x 64.0mm (W) x 1.5mm (H)
- Supporting 4 ESCs on board.
- 4 battery input interface: Terminal Block, 5mm/4pin on two sides
- Working voltage: 11V – 26V (Depending on your robotic control board and ESC)
- Max Walt : 70 W
- INA219A on board to measure working voltage and current (I2c -based and address is 0x40)
- I2c I/F : Wafter DIP 2mm/4pin/180deg
- DC power out : Output voltage distributed to another control board (same as battery input voltage)
- 3D-printed ESC board holder (open to modification and printing by users or available from the ROVMAKER store)
1 x ESC Board
1.Co-work with ESC Board Holder
2. ESC Board co-w0rk with Baroque control board (Voyager II )